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Abnormal Psychology in the Works of Charlotte Bront Jane Eyre Part III

uk canada goose In Jane Eyre, there are certainly instances of loneliness and depression. Like Crimsworth, Jane’s childhood is lonely and she suffers from a “habitual mood of humiliation, self doubt, [and] forlorn depression” (Jane Eyre 13). Unlike Crimsworth, however, Jane is not afraid to feel things passionately. In fact, Jane Eyre is in many ways the opposite of The Professor in canada goose clearance sale that it “puts the passion of the main character at the novel’s center and dramatizes the impact of her passion on her sentience and her conscious awareness” (Kearns 144). uk canada goose

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Before she was locked up in the “red room,” Jane was a Canada Goose sale timid and nervous child who tried to gain the favor of others, but while in the room, she examines the condition in which she is placed and asks herself why she is always unjustly accused and condemned… After awakening in the “red room,” Jane is no longer a timid child, crushed by powerlessness. She no longer resignedly tolerates unfair treatment. She begins to assert herself; she fights off Johns violence and tells Mrs. Reed what she thinks of her with sharp words. (Enomoto 250)

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canada goose uk outlet The Spiritual Power of the MindLater on, after she has left Thornfield and is trying to find a place to take shelter for the night, she acknowledges that “in all likelihood, though, I should die before morning. And why cannot I reconcile myself to the prospect of death? Why do I struggle to retain a valueless life? Because I know, or believe, Mr. Rochester is still living: and then, to die of want and cold, is a fate to which nature cannot submit passively” (Jane Eyre 281). A part of Jane, it seems, truly yearns for the grave because her misery is so great, but she cannot resign herself to death. When she questions why this is, she comes to the conclusion that it is because that Mr. Rochester is still alive, and she cannot imagine dying while he is still alive. Jane’s view of the possibility of her own death is intriguing, for she does not fear her own demise like many women in similar Gothic novels. It is true that at times she expresses the wish to be dead, but “she always reacts vigorously against the negative moments and never really considers the possibility of her own death” (Howells 164 165). Jane’s strength of character, heart, and psyche, along with her strong moral standings, give her the ability to endure even through the midst of darkness, and to rise out of it. She manages to not only find her own friends and family, but she also is able to get a job as a school teacher with St. John’s help. canada goose uk outlet

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buy canada goose jacket cheap She does, however, come very close to accepting his proposal, but she is stopped when she hears “a voice somewhere cry ‘Jane! Jane! Jane!'” (Jane Eyre 357). The voice of Edward Rochester calls out to her, stopping her from agreeing to marry St. John and causing her to return to Thornfield as quickly as she can. This is an odd scene, and while it can be and often is associated with the supernatural, Coral Ann Howells theorizes that what is generally looked upon simply as divine interference can be explained in a mixture of psychological phenomenon with the divine. She says that “the telepathic communication is set within a curious psycho spiritual context of passionate feeling and Christian prayer” (168). buy canada goose jacket cheap

Canada Goose Online The idea that intense emotions and deep psychological bonds can actually buy canada goose jacket be “so intensified by desperation that passion itself effects a momentary release from the limitations of self into that invisible world ‘which is around us, for it is everywhere'” (168) can certainly be seen as a far fetched assumption, but Charlotte Bront excelled through her characters’ deep passions and intense emotions at identifying the Canada Goose Jackets mind Canada Goose Outlet as a powerful entity, with the ability to cause actual physical illness, delusions, and perhaps even, under extreme circumstances, and coupled with a bit of “spiritual communion with canadian goose jacket God” (168), temporary telepathic connections. This instance is an oddity in the psychology of Jane Eyre, but it is still worth considering as an example of how aware that Charlotte Bront was of the power that the human mind possesses. Canada Goose Online

Canada Goose Parka SourcesBront, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. 1848. Ed. Richard J. Dunn. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc., 2001. Canada Goose Parka

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Howells, Coral Ann. Love, Mystery, and Misery: Feeling in Gothic Fiction. London: The Althone Press: University of London, 1978.

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