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I’ve worked with some of the people writing the quality

5 Inexplicable Hollywood Mysteries

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Nope. I believe there are even greater, more inexplicable questions surrounding the world of entertainment. These enigmas have never been answered to my satisfaction. Actually, they’ve never been asked to my satisfaction. Nevertheless, I’m legitimately curious. No joke. He’s a great actor with a unique style, his movies for the most part are solid entertainment, and by all accounts he is a nice person. He is never in trouble with the law. He doesn’t get annoyingly political. nightclubs with groupies (I’m talking to you, Joe Biden.) But I know so many people who just can’t stand him. Read the Internet comments underneath any article about Tom Cruise. There are some angry, harsh, unforgiving words. They’re like my comments when people post Facebook pics from their family vacations.

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The world of acting is a weird thing. Some actors, we’re told, have that movie star quality. Meanwhile, other actors are pigeonholed as “television” actors. Of course, it’s all becoming irrelevant since most of the stuff we watch now is on Netflix. Thor is in the Avengers movies. Cobie Smulders is in the Avengers movies. Where’s Spider Man? He’s a Marvel character, too.

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But Saved By The Bell and its ilk are a different animal. They’re thinking, “Yeah, this is really good stuff.” Or maybe I’m wrong. I’ve worked with some of the people writing the quality comedies on television. They’ve very funny, talented people. Are they funny in real life? If they had to write a decent joke, could they? And perhaps cheap Canada Goose when they were writing Saved By The Bell, they were simply dumbing down their own talents to create their perception of what the typical brain dead television viewer wants and expects. In a way, it takes talent to write a show like Saved By The Bell. It can’t be easy to write something that awful. Ernest Hemmingway, after all, spent years working on The Old Man and the Sea Canada Goose Jackets.

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